West Walls Brewing Co.
The Hop 12x440ml
The Hop 12x440ml
The Hop
The Hop Session IPA is a vibrant, easy-drinking IPA with an intricate balance of citrus zest, juicy grapefruit, and a light honeyed sweetness. Brewed with a trio of premium hops, this 4.2% ABV session IPA is refreshing and satisfying, perfect for beer enthusiasts looking for flavour without the heavy punch.
ABV: 4.2%
Units per Can: 1.85 Units
Allergens: Contains Barley & Wheat (Gluten)
Tasting Notes: Citrus and grapefruit undertones with a light, honey-infused finish. A subtle hint of spice rounds off this sessionable IPA.
Hops: First Gold, Citra, Nelson Sauvin
Style: Session IPA
Pack Details:
- Sold in packs of 12 x 440ml cans
- **EXTENDED** Pre-Christmas Delivery: Order before 11pm on Sunday 22nd December for delivery on Monday 23rd December
- Click & Collect: Collect your order from the taproom and receive one free pint (per customer) to enjoy when you collect
- Taproom Collection Hours: Available until 8pm on Christmas Eve
Delivery & Collection:
Delivery Available: CA1 - CA6 postcodes only
(We are currently unable to deliver outside this area, but collection is available at the taproom) - Collection Location: West Walls Brewing Co., Carlisle, CA3 8UB
Important Information:
- You must be 18 or over to purchase this product. Proof of age may be required upon delivery or collection.
- This product contains alcohol. Please drink responsibly.
- For best before date, please refer to the bottom of the can.